Faith Fuller, PhD, ORSCC, CPCC, PCC
Faith is co-owner and President of CRR Global. She is a psychologist and experienced trainer and coach, with over 15 years of experience in working with organizations, couples and communities.
Faith takes a systems approach to coaching, namely that all aspects of the system need to be addressed in order for effective change to occur.
Her particular skill is empowering powerful, productive and joyous relationships in couples, partnerships and teams . She also has a background in consultation, team building, conflict resolution and community crisis intervention.
Some of her clients include: The Coaches Training Institute, YMCA, Oakland Interagency Childrens’ Policy Council, Horizon Services Inc., Bristol Hospital (England), Monkton Wilde Center (England), Beacon Schools, Boeing, Narcotics Education League, Mandana House, Vocolot Performances, Highland Health Psych. Center, and Perry Point VA Center.