About RSI for Organizations |
Top Teams Don't Happen By Accident.
Unlock the innovation and resilience of your team with an approach which fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual respect, inviting team members to communicate, innovate and repeat wins. By investing in the skills and tools both leaders and team members need to nurture the best performance, you can create a competitive, sustainable advantage for your organization. |
Rather than hoping that a collaborative team culture will emerge through chemistry or luck, set your team up for success by supporting your leaders with RSI principles, tools and skills.
CRR Global’s Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching and leadership methodologies are accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Our organization is recognized as a global authority on relationship systems work, and was first to become accredited for team coaching.
Successful completion of this course provides: 43.5 ICF CCE Units (42.75 Core Competency and .75 Resource Development) |
Why Invest in Your Team? |
Coaching cultures pay off in employee engagement and a stronger bottom line.
Discover Relationship Systems Intelligence |
This philosophy builds on Daniel Goleman’s models of Emotional Intelligence (the ability to identify and skillfully express emotion) and Social Intelligence (the ability to accurately identify and empathize with the experience of another). Relationship Systems Intelligence (RSI™), the ability to interpret oneself as an expression of the system, is a further expansion on these theories. What happens is not only personal, but also belongs to the system. RSI holds that the system as a unique entity has its own intelligence and information beyond that of the individuals within it.
Tapping into RSI involves a fundamental shift in perspective. Instead of seeing the team as a collection of individuals, we focus on the web of connection between them. We hold that web as an intelligent, constantly evolving entity unique to itself. In empowering all members of the team to lead collectively, the culture shifts to one of mutual collaboration, resilience, and agility. In developing productive, communicative systems, team and enterprise leaders and coaches across the globe rely on the proven techniques of CRR Global’s Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) training. Now, the groundbreaking concepts of this ICF-accredited program are available to your team through RSI for Organizations. This program is designed specifically for businesses and larger systems. |
Build skills and supply tools for your leadership and management toolkit
Develop the collaborative skills of your leaders and team members
Address common roadblocks affecting team function
With meaningful collaboration at its core, Systems Inspired Leadership inspires everyone to learn new ways of being, taking action, and developing conscious, intentional relationships, resulting in improved job engagement, a greater sense of belonging, and personal growth. Take the opportunity to make significant positive change and adopt a new collaborative and collective leadership model.
Access the book. |
The RSI for Organizations program incorporates the best tools and skills of our full ORSC training program, and is designed for coaching teams and larger systems.
The five established principles of Relationship Systems Intelligence are incorporated into the training.
Image: Takahiro Sakamoto | Unsplash
Elements from ORSC Geography: Roles & Structure™
This session focuses on tools which examine diversity and create awareness about inner and outer roles and paradox. We explore the effect of cultural bias and external influences on systems, and practice skills that encourage an appreciation of difference and support alignment in the face of disagreement. |
Elements from ORSC Path: Vision & Potential™
The Path session draws from Joseph Campbell’s work on myth, as well as Taoism and Process Work in a radical exploration of the way in which we dance between consensus reality and dreaming, or that which we make up. In changing the question from “Who is doing what to whom?” to “What is trying to happen?” we shift from judgement to the discovery of creative solutions. |
Elements from ORSC System Integration: Moving Toward Mastery™
In our final day, we create a learning space allowing participants to concentrate on practicing, honing and integrating the skills and tools they have learned. In integrating elements of all of the other sessions, a deeper understanding of the art of this work will begin to take shape. |
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